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Support Request Form

Please fill out this simple Support Request Form if you are requesting help with your bird and post results to your social media. In order to help your sick bird you first need to help us by providing information about your sick bird. We are not psychics, mind readers and we know nothing about your sick bird so by filling out this form we will have a better idea of what we are dealing with without having to ask many questions. This form requires javascript to be enabled to function. Anyone from any group / page may use this form.
How to use

Species (type of bird)
Is the bird eating / drinking?
Do you have a close up photo / video of the last dropping?
Do you have a close up photo / video of the belly with all the feathers moved out of the way?
Age of your bird
Housing Location
Housing Dimensions
Roughly how many other birds are housed with your bird
Please list other species in that cage/aviary (separated by comma)
How long has your bird been ill
General Diet
List any treatments used
Describe symptoms & provide other information